Configure VPN using Amnezia (Quick One)


Welcome $user_name!

This article describes a step-by-step guide to setting up your own VPN using our "Optimized Virtual Servers" service.


Steps you need to take:

1. Install/Reinstall Debian 10 or Ubuntu 20.04 on your OVS, you can find how to do it in our knowledge base.

Just type "How to reinstall OS on my virtual server?".


2. Download and Install Amnezia VPN.


3. Follow the installation guide:


4. Now you can be satisfied with safe access to the Internet.

You can check your security using any service that collects data about your IP (ex.


  • Optimized virtual servers, VPN, Fast VPN, Secure VPN, Private VPN, OVS, VPN Setup
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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