How to install hosting panel?

This article describes the installation process of the ISPmanager Lite hosting panel in automatic mode.

To install other hosting panels, please refer to the documentation of their respective developers:
VestaCP -
Hestia -
Fastpanel -
BrainyCP -
cPanel -

Please note that the evaluation version of the ISPmanager installing with limited capabilities, you will need to purchase a license.
If you need license for ISPmanager, cPanel, or other paid panel, please open ticket to our Sales Department, they will provide to you information about this procedure.

Go to VMmanager: > My Account > Services > My Services > Select the desired virtual server > Server Information > Go to VMmanager6

Next, select the virtual server you need and click on it:


You will get into your virtual machine dashboard. Next you need to reinstall your system, to do this click on "Menu" and click on "Reinstall OS":



Choose your operating system. The recommended operating system for ISPmanager is Debian 10 or CentOS 7, then choose the "ISPmanager Lite" installation recipe, set a password for the virtual machine and click on "Reinstall":


After you have reinstalled the operating system, you will be able to access ISPmanager Lite at https://<your_IP>:1500

Warning! Your login and password of system user (root / <password>) will be your account in ISPmanager Lite.

  • hosting, panel, isp, vesta, hestia, ovs, fastpanel, brainycp
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