This article describes the installation process of the ISPmanager Lite hosting panel in automatic mode.
To install other hosting panels, please refer to the documentation of their respective developers:
VestaCP -
Hestia -
Fastpanel -
BrainyCP -
cPanel -
Please note that the evaluation version of the ISPmanager installing with limited capabilities, you will need to purchase a license.
If you need license for ISPmanager, cPanel, or other paid panel, please open ticket to our Sales Department, they will provide to you information about this procedure.
Go to VMmanager: > My Account > Services > My Services > Select the desired virtual server > Server Information > Go to VMmanager6
Next, select the virtual server you need and click on it:
You will get into your virtual machine dashboard. Next you need to reinstall your system, to do this click on "Menu" and click on "Reinstall OS":
Choose your operating system. The recommended operating system for ISPmanager is Debian 10 or CentOS 7, then choose the "ISPmanager Lite" installation recipe, set a password for the virtual machine and click on "Reinstall":
After you have reinstalled the operating system, you will be able to access ISPmanager Lite at https://<your_IP>:1500
Warning! Your login and password of system user (root / <password>) will be your account in ISPmanager Lite.