This article describes a step-by-step guide how to create additional OpenVPN configuration file (.ovpn) for new user/device, using our OVS or PVS service's.
Steps you need to take:
1. Depending on the ordered service :
- If you have ordered PVS service, you can skip this step.
- If you have ordered OVS service, install/reinstall Ubuntu 20.04 on your OVS with Openvpn-proxy-l2tp-LLU script. (You can find how to do it in our knowledge base. Just type "How to reinstall OS on my virtual server?".)
Note: After using the script, the standard SSH port will be changed to 6522.
2. SSH into your OVS/PVS server and run the following command:
- bash /root/ your_configuration_name
3. Download a new configuration file.
- In case of using PVS service, you can download the new configuration by following the link from the mail that was sent to you after ordering the service.
- In case of using OVS with Ubuntu 20.04, the new configuration files will be located in the /root/openvpn/ folder.
4. Thats it! Now you can connect an additional device to your VPN server using new configuration file.